Risk perception of the population in the face of COVID-19, Gibara- 2020
COVID-19, Disease Prevention, PerceptionAbstract
Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic continues to accelerate in the world; only a few countries have not confirmed cases and all are struggling hard to control it.
Objective: To determine the risk perception of the population regarding transmission of COVID-19 in José Martí Pérez Polyclinic of Gibara, Holguín, during the year 2020.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational research was carried out. From a universe of 1,089 patients over 18 years of age, a sample of 286 people was obtained by simple random sampling. The variables studied were: sex, perception of COVID-19 and preventive practice. The percentage was used as a summary measure. Statistical probability was determined using the Chi square test with a confidence level of 95%. For assessment of the surveys, a qualification key was developed.
Results: COVID-19 is perceived as a serious disease (53.85 %), the preventive practice against COVID-19 was inadequate (60.14 %); when associating the perception regarding COVID-19 and preventive practice, it was detected that 35.32 % have an inadequate preventive practice and perceive it as a serious disease.
Conclusions: There is a close relationship between perception and preventive practice of people against COVID-19.
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Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Cuba.
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